Special Needs

Special Needs

BCC and it’s individual members provide assistance to others in the community in many special ways. Replacing a leaky roof, providing assistance for new-born care, special medical and dental care, counseling, tutoring, job placement, and many others. If you know...
Picnics in Brasilito

Picnics in Brasilito

Several times a year BCC sponsors a Sunday afternoon picnic in the Brasilito Square. The whole community turns out at the smell of hot dogs, hamburgers, or chicken cooking on a charcoal grill.  There’s really no formal program – just get out and meet...
Food Programs

Food Programs

The need is very basic – everyone needs something to eat everyday.  But sadly, there are people in our communities that struggle to put food on the table. BCC provides ongoing financial sponsorship for two of the major food programs in the area – Las...


That’s Spanish for Baseball! And the local kids (boys and girls) love to play. We meet at the baseball fields in Brasilito every Thursday afternoon at 4 PM to practice and play. The kids practice their English on us and we practice our Spanglish on...
Wheelchair Program

Wheelchair Program

BCC members work with our friends in the local community to identify individuals that are in need of a wheelchair for mobility due to health issues. Over the past few years we have placed more than 60 wheelchairs with needy individuals at no cost to the recipients. We...
Baptismal Services

Baptismal Services

Over the years, BCC has celebrated many Baptisms within our community. Our baptismal service involves full immersion – in the clean blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.