Blessings everyone!

Let me introduce my wife Annie and myself to those of you who may not have met us. We have been members here at BCC for almost 4 years. I have been an elder for about 3 years.
God is continually working his wonders and miracles and always showing us His Path.
Through months of prayer, patience and listening to The Holy Spirit, with support of the elder board we are expanding our church ministry here in Brasilito with the opening of our first satellite church. We are calling it Beach Community Church North. It is located in the town of Sardinal near Playa Coco and Playa Hermosa.
God loves to answer our prayers, especially when we want what He wants. This is a story of God’s commitment to His children and God fulfilling His Promises.

During the several months of prayer, I called out to God to show me what he wanted us to do.  Early last week I looked at a building that would satisfy our needs with a minimum amount of modifications and the rental fee for a couple hours Sunday morning was very reasonable. I also met with the owners of the cinema in Playa Hermosa. They were very receptive to our use and it offered everything we would require. They would let me know later in the week regarding the price.
On my way home as I crossed the bridge going into Sardinal I had an overwhelming urge to turn left on a street I very seldom use. I drove a short distance and notice a 2 story building on my left. It had a look as though it was unused. I called a friend and he explained that a pastor named Edgar owned it. With my friend I met Pastor Edgar last Friday.
Looking back in reminds me of Philippians 4:19, And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.   
Pastor Edgar speaks no English and my Spanish isn’t much better so my friend Henry was translating. I presented my request to rent his church for 2 to 3 hours every Sunday morning. Pastor Edgar asked me to share with him our Statement of Faith and our mission. As I explained to him our beliefs his poker face transformed to the kind of smile that exposes all the teeth! His eyes even lit up.
It was his next two statements that left me stunned and then humbled more than I can explain. First he said he was sorry he could not rent God’s house to us. Most of my confusion came because as he said no that enormous smile never faltered. He continued to talk and explained to us about a vision he had a decade earlier and prayers he has continually made. He shared that not too long ago he “called out to God” and asked him to show him what he was to do. In 2012 Pastor Edgar had a vision of a Christian church that would minister to the local Spanish speaking community and also the English community. Then he said “MY REQUEST WAS GOD’S ANSWER TO HIM”.  Therefore he couldn’t charge for the use of the church, however we were most welcome to share it with his congregation at no expense.

This has been an answered prayer not only for Annie and I but for Beach Community Church for Pastor Edgar and for many in the local area.
JEREMIAH 33:3   Call to me and I will answer you, and I will show you mighty things which you do not know.



Please email us at

Call or Chat on WhatsApp at:
+506 8327 9198

BCC NORTH - Sundays at 10AM

We are located in the town of Sardinal, between the Guanacaste Airport and Playa del Coco.