Why is there a water sprinkler on the roof?

The metal roof of the church can get very hot and radiate heat in the hot sun. The water sprinkler is used to cool the roof so as to reduce the radiant heat effect on the church occupants. Air conditioning is not very practical in the open air environment of our...
Where should I park?

Where should I park?

During the high season you will see cars parked on both sides of the road and in an overflow lot (actually a dirt field) across the street from the church. We ask our regular members with high clearance vehicles to use these locations and leave the gravel lot in front...
Why is there water on the road?

Why is there water on the road?

You might wonder why there is water across the road even during the dry season.  Our local neighbors have piled rocks to partially block the stream and maintain a water depth of 4 to 6 inches across the road year round.  They use the resulting “road...
Wheelchair Program

Wheelchair Program

BCC members work with our friends in the local community to identify individuals that are in need of a wheelchair for mobility due to health issues. Over the past few years we have placed more than 60 wheelchairs with needy individuals at no cost to the recipients. We...
Baptismal Services

Baptismal Services

Over the years, BCC has celebrated many Baptisms within our community. Our baptismal service involves full immersion – in the clean blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.